I love to hear about new restaurant openings, new menu items, great food tours… to be honest, I like to hear about anything food! Whether you’re in Central Florida or in a fabulous city in another state or country, I want to hear about your food. Trust me, if it’s worthwhile I will find a way to get it into my blog!
Please make sure that you make your information specific to me. I do eat fish, but would really like to hear about great, even out-of-the-ordinary vegetarian and vegan dishes, events, restaurants, etc. So, if you are a steak house, let me know about your meat-free dishes!
Please send your press releases, event invites, and other information directly to [email protected]. From there, I will contact you so we can discuss the best way to let readers know about your news. Please note that if you are interested in participating in the Nicole Eats video series, I will need at least an 8-week lead time if you’re in Central Florida and at least a 6-month lead time for other areas.
Thank you for thinking of me for your brand’s news, and I look forward to working with you!